Hey Kids Comics Wiki
This article is part of the DC Database Recommended Reading project, a series of articles written by our editors. They are meant as a guide to help both new and old readers, either getting into comics for the first time or looking to read more on their favorites. These should not be taken as a definitive guide, obviously you can start wherever and with whatever you want, but they're some general suggestions that we think you might find enjoyable.
File:Grifter Wildstorm Universe 0001.jpg


WildStorm was an imprint originally published by Image Comics that was later bought out by DC Comics. Their self-contained universe featured a lot of influential stories in the 90's. The company is known for a very 90's-style edginess with its characters, but they still published some of the finest creator-owned books of the decade.

Wildstorm Universe[]

  • The Authority: Relentless
  • Midnighter: Killing Machine
  • DV8: Neighborhood Threat
  • Gen 13: Who They Are and How They Came to Be is the original Gen 13 mini-series. The story gives their origin, as they're abducted by I.O. and escape with John Lynch.
  • Gen 13: Starting Over is the first arc of the Gen 13 ongoing series. It was written by Brandon Choi and J. Scott Campbell with illustrations by Campbell, marking the beginning of Campbell's highly successful era.
  • Gen 13: Best of a Bad Lot is the first arc of Gail Simone's Gen 13 reboot, published as part of WorldStorm. It gives the team a new origin story and tells their adventures from the beginning.
  • Team 7 is an elite black ops military unit who became the first Gen-Actives.
  • Wildcats: Homecoming
  • Wildcats: Street Smart
  • Wildcats 3.0
  • Wildcats: World's End


External links[]
