- —Grifter, to the group of superhumans who are threatening to eat a group of survivors.
Appearing in "After the End of the World - Part One"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Human survivors
- Sarah
- June
- Eric
- Henry
- Reapers (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Klaus (Only appearance; dies)[1]
- Burn (Only appearance; dies)[1]
- Slice (Only appearance; dies)[1]
- Mr. Majestic
Other Characters:
- Black Anvil (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Engine Joe (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Nemesis Blades
Synopsis for "After the End of the World - Part One"
The earth is in ruins after the battle between The High and his clones. Los Angeles is practically destroyed and survivors scavenge for supplies. But some of the surviving S.P.B.'s (Super-Powered Being) have decided to feast on some of the surviving humans. A small group of humans is confronted by these S.P.B.'s but several members of the Wildcats: Grifter, Zealot and Ladytron show up and stop them. They then take the refugees back to the Halo Building which still seems to be functioning quite well under the circumstances.
The Wildcats as a whole debate how to deal with the growing population of refugees in the building and how to best utilize the supply of Halo batteries that are available. Suddenly, Majestic attacks and easily takes out most of the Wildcats; claiming to be looking for something. Nemesis and Zealot stand against him with only Nemesis' swords (the only weapons that can cut Majestic) to defend themselves.
Appearing in "Lynch: One Last Thing - Chapter 1"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- I.O. operatives
- Agent Gregson
- Black Towers
Synopsis for "Lynch: One Last Thing - Chapter 1"
John Lynch and his fellow I.O. operatives are fending off an assault on I.O headquarters from superhumans that were imprisoned for fifty years ago by Miles Craven, in which they wants him dead, in the wake of Number of the Beast. One of the agents, Gregson, follows protocol and secures Lynch in a bunker (much to his objection). Time passes and the bunker opens to reveal the destruction of the world to Lynch. He resolves that under these new circumstances there's only one thing left to do: kill Tao.
- This issue was shipped with two covers by Neil Googe that combined to form one image.
- The new Void that Spartan is referring to is Nikola Hanssen.
- Nemesis and Jodi's statements for their faults for destroying the world refers to their misadventure in Wildstorm: Revelations.
- Lynch continues in Authority: World's End #1.