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Lord Defile

Appearing in "Promised Land - Part One"

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Other Characters:



  • Nemesis Swords


Synopsis for "Promised Land - Part One"

Jodi and Nemesis come across a family at the La Brea Tar Pits. The pits have been turned into a mass graveyard and the family is preparing to commit suicide by drowning in the tar. Jodi begs them not to do it and promises them safe haven at the Halo Building. Just then, Lord Defile and a horde of Daemonites emerge from the pits.

Back at the Halo Building, Maul is sparring with Ladytron. She lets him know that Spartan and Voodoo have rekindled their romance and tells Maul to forget Voodoo and go for her instead. He rejects her which pisses her off so she leaves. Maul looks to Warblade for some cheering up but finds he's as depressed as everyone else. Warblade even tells Maul that he's considering Majestic's offer to join him in Hawaii.

Suddenly, Jodi dashes into the room with an infant in her arms. She slams into a wall but Warblade grabs the baby and keeps it from harm. Jodi tells them that Daemonites are attacking Nemesis at the La Brea Tar Pits. Maul bursts into Spartan's office to find him and Voodoo having sex. Trying to ignore what he just saw, Maul tells them that Nemesis is under attack. As Spartan heads off to ready M.I.R.V. Voodoo tries to apologize to Maul for what just happened. Maul tells her they'll talk later.

Meanwhile, Nemesis tries to fend off the Daemonite horde but Lord Defile overpowers her. Then Lady Decadence proceeds to possess Nemesis. As Lady Decadence prepares to kill the human refugees, the Wildcats arrive. They send M.I.R.V off on autopilot with the refugees inside as they stay and battle the Daemonites.

The Wildcats quickly realize Nemesis is possessed and Lord Defile increases his mass to dwarf even Maul in size. The Wildcats then find themselves surrounded by dozens of Daemonites.

Appearing in "Get Christie Blaze - Part 1"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Get Christie Blaze - Part 1"

It's 1972. Agents Christie Blaze and John Lynch are concluding another successful mission for International Operations. Lynch is so impressed by Blaze's performance that he tells her he's going to recommend her for Team 7. Unfortunately, Miles Craven does not agree with Lynch and tells him there's no place for a woman on the team. The roster for Team 7 is finalized and Blaze thinks Lynch is to blame for her not making the team.


See Also

Links and References

