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This page may contain some of the same content as the DC Database article. A more complete and current article is at the DC Comics Database Wildcats Version 3.0 Vol 1 12.
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the DC Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

Appearing in "Level One Effect"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Sam Garfield (Appears on a computer screen, TV, or hologram only)
  • C.C. Rendozzo (Appears on a computer screen, TV, or hologram only)
  • National Park Service
    • Stahl (First appearance)
  • Jesse Baker (Only in flashback)
  • Randolph Gelman (On a TV or computer screen)
  • Hannah (Voice only)



  • Halo Battery


Synopsis for "Level One Effect"

The Halo Corporation had been confirmed in the news in acquiescing the Belljar Company under the so-called "Level One" deal which had angered its stockholders who vocally opposed this as they fear Halo's deal would made their stocks worthless, in which Jack Marlowe needs to placate them.

Cole Cash is fail trying to get himself to walk by using p-bars. Marlowe finds him and informs of his meeting with Jesse Baker about the Halo stock car that is capable of reaching over 100 miles while being power by a single Halo car battery without gasoline. Marlowe had research over this and effectively discover that a Halo battery-powered car exceeds way beyond the current petroleum-powered automobile. Although, Marlowe didn't expect for this to happen. On other matters, Cole question about Edwin Dolby's resignation from Halo in which Marlowe believes it was a mistake for Cole to manipulate Dolby from the beginning.

Meanwhile, Agent Wax continues to have his sexual affair with Miriam Downs. After a sexual escapade in a break room, a janitor finds a used condom that was leftover from Wax's intercourse.

Dolby has been living his whole time inside his home and is clearly suffering a mental breakdown over the retrieval of Donny Tyro. Marlowe teleports to Dolby's home in trying to convince Dolby to come back to work. He lectures Dolby of his reasons for helping humanity from his past experiences in seeing entire alien civilizations collapsing itself and seeing Earth as a chance of being worth saving, earnestly believing that cooperation is the key in order to implement Marlowe's vision in which is why he needs Dolby's inspirational help as his counsel. Marlowe's speech enlightens Dolby and he is now convinced in going to work again, and is needed at the Belljar financial meeting.

Marlowe deals with the Belljar shareholders at the L.A. Convention Center. He reasons to the audience that their shareholding are losing more than they can afford prior to Halo's acquisition. However, the shareholders are not easily swayed. In response, Marlowe turns the meeting over to Dolby, now newly-appointed chief financial officer of Halo. Dolby cites to the audience that he understands their fear of losing their stocks and acknowledge Halo's benign policy promising that they will not hang anyone else to dry. Also, he tells the rather beleaguered audience that Halo is offering a ten percent premium over its current market valuation, convincing the shareholders to listening Marlowe.

That night, Dolby returns to the Halo Building where he is apologize by Cole for bringing Dolby's past predicament and guiltily admits that he was using Dolby as a way to get back at Marlowe. Dolby quietly accepts Cole's apology and turn their discussion over Halo car batteries which they undoubtedly believe will make an impact on society. At Marlowe's office, Marlowe is making plans in introducing Halo battery-powered cars to the public.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • Wildcats Version 3.0: Full Disclosure trade paperback (2004);
    • Wildcats Version 3.0: Year One trade paperback (2010).

See Also


Try Your Luck

