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This page may contain some of the same content as the DC Database article. A more complete and current article is at the DC Comics Database Wildcats Version 3.0 Vol 1 4.
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the DC Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

Appearing in "Pearl Necklace"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Donovan Tyro (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
  • Lincoln




Synopsis for "Pearl Necklace"

The Halo Corporation is making steady progress in introducing their product brands from car and cellular phone batteries. Jack Marlowe consults with Edwin Dolby, whom informs about Halo's big acquisitions would cause some distrust to the common average person and strongly suggest Marlowe in doing some public appearances to gain Halo's trusts from the people.

Meanwhile, Agent Wax and C.C. Rendozzo are traveling by helicopter. Wax is interest to know of C.C.'s background in which he hypnotize her into telling her reason for needing Agent Orange. She explains that she met a man while gathering information to blackmail a presidential candidate and was impregnated by him. Against her better judgment, C.C. kept the baby in which she regarded as the best thing that happened in her life. She kept her son a secret for years until his biological father, Special Agent Fagin Tyro, found out. He had agents barged into her home and abducted her son, and that having Agent Orange in her possession would serve as a bargaining chip to have her son back. C.C. breaks out of her trance and angrily aim her gun on Wax, demanding how he did it and why. He answer that he gain his powers from birth and that Grifter encouraged him to probe Rendozzo to find out her story.

Grifter and Ramon are spying where Agent Orange is and learns this nuclear family is not so innocent as they appear. On the next morning, Grifter disguise himself as a deliveryman and gives the mother and daughter, who are the only people in the house, a package. Within three hours, the package unleash a neurotoxin gas and Grifter and C.C.'s men breaks into the house. But some of C.C.'s men are then shot by the mother and daughter, who are decked in gas mask and combat uniforms, and are heavily armed. During the gun battle, Grifter's legs are badly shot and is confronted by Agent Orange.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • Wildcats Version 3.0: Brand Building trade paperback (2003);
    • Wildcats Version 3.0: Year One trade paperback (2010).

See Also


Try Your Luck

