Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in the 1st Story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Fae (Tapestry Universe)


  • Tapestry Universe
    • Fae Woodlands
    • Shadow Realm (First appearance)



Synopsis for the 1st Story

Geist and Taboo attack, and Brawl knocks out Geist.  S’ylton wounds Taboo and is about to kill her when Ferrian stops him. Azrum explains the plan to attack Tapestry and save Zealot, and Taboo and Geist agree to help.  While talking with Ferrian, an elder Fae catches a creature spying, and Ferrian warns that Tapestry knows they have come.  The group fights past a water sprite and enters Tapestry’s kingdom through a waterfall.  They infiltrate her stronghold and watch as she prepares to remake the world using Zealot’s soul.  Ferrian, S’ylton, and their allies reveal themselves and attack.  Geist and Taboo take on Soma while the others battle the demonic Hounds.  As Jodele carries the comatose Zealot, Styrian saves S’ylton from a sneak attack at the cost of his own life.  Azrum has Jodele drop Zealot into a mystic well, and she immediately re-emerges with her identity and memory restored.  Zealot attacks Tapestry with the souls of those the sorceress has enslaved through the ages.  Zealot then restores Wildcore’s memories and tells them to enter the well as it is a portal back to Earth.  As Backlash takes Taboo, Jodi refuses to leave the dead Styrian behind.  Azrum sedates her, and Brawl carries her while Ferrian bids Styrian goodbye.

See Also


Try Your Luck

