Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "Village of the Vile"

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Synopsis for "Village of the Vile"

Two girls cycle through a village where the locals practice evil deeds in order to make the Devil appear and lead them. When one of the children makes the 'mistake' of offering his handkerchief to one of the girls who has bloodied her ankle running from the townsfolk, the Devil rejects them.

Appearing in "The Gun That Couldn't Stop Killing"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Gun That Couldn't Stop Killing"

A psychology professor resentful that another member of the faculty is promoted to college president hypnotizes a gunman to shoot the college president. It works, but then the psychology professor is made president, and the gunman still remains under the trance and constantly tries to shoot the psychology professor. The police put him under protection but the gunman eludes them. The psychology professor gets a gun and waits in his office for the gunman. An officer mistakes the professor for the gunman and shoots him in the back. As the professor dies, he fires off a shot killing the gunman.

Appearing in "When Time Went Mad"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "When Time Went Mad"

A chemist invents three formulas, past, present and future, which allow travel through time. He gives the formulas to his son who uses them for criminal purposes until he swallows a little of each formula and winds up in limbo.

See Also


Try Your Luck

