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Quote1 'Ere's another fine mess you've gotten us into. Quote2
-- Gambit

Appearing in "Victims part 1: In Harm's Way"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Metropolitan Police Service
    • Insp. Andrews (First appearance)
    • Alexandra Davies (First appearance; dies)
  • Rogue (Hologram)
  • Mr. Davies (First appearance)
  • Mrs. Davies (First appearance)


  • Arcade (Appears in shadow only)
  • Wolverine robot (First appearance)




  • Concorde

Synopsis for "Victims part 1: In Harm's Way"

In a dark London alley, Wolverine kills police detective Alexandra Davies then flees into the night. In the U.S., Gambit is robbing a safe full of jewels when Rogue catches him and tackles him through a window. As they plunge to the ground, the environment fades away, revealing them to be in the Xavier Institute’s Danger Room. Then, Rogue fades away—she too was a hologram—and Gambit decides to check in on some friends. On a flight to London the next day, he bristles at not being allowed to smoke and falls asleep studying newspaper articles about Davies’ murder. The night after he lands, he breaks into the office of Andrews, the police inspector investigating the case and examines the files on four similar murders, noting traces of bone in the victims’ wounds. When Andrews catches him, Gambit knocks Andrews out with a charged card and escapes. The next day, Gambit questions Davies’ parents in Chichester and reveals he knew their daughter. Suspicious, they contact Andrews after he leaves. That night in London, Gambit spots a potential victim and moves to protect her only to find he has walked into a trap set by the police. Andrews appears with a SWAT team and decks Gambit for breaking into his office. Before he can be arrested, Gambit hears a woman scream and leaps to her defense. Her attacker is Wolverine, spattered with blood. Gambit asks him to explain, but he cannot, claiming he has no idea how he came to London. Weapons drawn, the SWAT team orders them to surrender. Elsewhere, a shadowy figure watches the scene on his monitors and laughs maniacally.


  • This issue is reprinted in the Wolverine/Gambit: Victims trade paperback (2002) and hardcover (2009).

See Also


Try Your Luck

