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Historical Event TemplateHistorical Event Template
Official Name
World War I
Event Aliases
WWI, The Great War, The War to End All Wars


Europe, Africa, Asia

Steve Savage, Hans Von Hammer, Swamp Thing (Alec Holland)



First appearance



World War I, also known as the Great War and "The War To End All Wars," was a global military conflict which took place primarily in Europe between 1914 and 1918. More than nine million soldiers and civilians died. The conflict had a decisive impact on the history of the 20th century.

Early in the War

A young Adolf Hitler, still a corporal in the German Army, along with Stalin and a young Asian man, visited Anton Arcane during his early experiments in re-animating the dead.[1]


A young marksman named Steve Savage enlisted in the United States Air Corps. On his first mission, he broke formation against orders and succeeded in downing several German attack balloons. Although threatened with a court martial for disobeying orders, Savage developed a reputation as a fighting ace and earned himself the nickname, the Balloon Buster.[2]

April 6, 1917

The United States entered the war. In August of that same year, the demon Etrigan played a gruesome part in the third Battle of Ypres. At this time, the Demon manipulated Jason Blood's memories of the incident, as well as that of many other horrible deeds that the Demon has committed across the centuries.[3]

Late in the War

At some point near the end of the war, the time traveler Booster Gold arrived in this era from the future whereupon he landed behind enemy lines. He saved the life of an American soldier named Cyrus Lord from an attack by the Enemy Ace. After doing so, Booster realized that he just saved the ancestor of Maxwell Lord, the man responsible for murdering his best friend, Ted Kord in the future. Note: The exact year that this event takes place in is unknown. Enemy Ace's dialogue during this event indicates that he has been fighting for quite a number of years, suggesting that his meeting with Booster Gold takes place late in the war.[4]



Comics in event are unknown.


Items: None known.
Vehicles: Fokker Dr.I


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Links and References

  • World War I article at Wikipedia


