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Appearing in "Child's Play part 3: Rules Were Made to Be Broken"

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Synopsis for "Child's Play part 3: Rules Were Made to Be Broken"

In Kentucky, Cable refuses to surrender Rictor and Warpath to Trevor Fitzroy and orders X-Force to attack. During the fight, Warpath catches Fitzroy’s aide Bantam trying to flee, and Bantam explains how he tracks the portals Fitzroy creates. Cable realizes they can use him to backtrack through Fitzroy’s portals to the other Upstarts. After Siryn and Rictor disable Fitzroy’s force field, Cable makes his bionic arm look like flesh. He then tricks Fitzroy into grabbing it to try and drain his life force. Because the arm is techno-organic, Fitzroy cannot and ends up draining his own life force instead, opening the portal he used to get there. X-Force takes Bantam and goes through it. Over Cable’s objection, Paige Guthrie transforms herself into a fly and follows them. Meanwhile, Justice brings Firestar to Gamesmaster, and Gamesmaster reveals he knows about Shinobi Shaw’s plot to overthrow him. In Manhattan, the New Warriors trace the Tribunal’s attack on them to Graydon Creed. When they threaten to expose his mutant connections to the anti-mutant Friends of Humanity, he divulges that the captured mutants are being held in Shaw’s Swiss chalet. In Tokyo, Bantam and X-Force exit the portal into Shaw’s penthouse and reveal they have a device that can destroy his phased form. Rather than fight, he gives up the location of his chalet, and X-Force teleports away. At the chalet, Karma wakes up and frees the other captives. Cannonball demands to know if Moonstar is really Dani, but Karma suggests they focus on the situation at hand. She explains she used her powers to control Siena Blaze to bring her there with Moonstar and Empath. Blaze enters, controlled by Gamesmaster, and he reveals he knew what Karma was doing all along. He then has Blaze floor them with an energy blast and declares he will use them against the New Warriors and X-Force.



  • Shinobi Shaw's Swiss chalet is built in the same place where he kicked off the Upstarts competition by killing his father in X-Factor #67.

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