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Quote1 You're a firecracker, Creed...and I'm an atom bomb! Quote2
-- Jean Grey

Appearing in "Devil in the House"

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Synopsis for "Devil in the House"

Jubilee wakes up from a nightmare in which Sabretooth killed the X-Men and stalked her. Jean Grey consoles her then telepathically asks Beast, Cyclops, and Storm to join her off-campus to talk. They meet at Harry’s Hideaway and question Professor X’s decision to keep Sabretooth prisoner at the school. In the school infirmary, Xavier examines Revanche and finds the Legacy Virus has fatally spread throughout her body. Moira summons the professor and shows footage of Psylocke’s attempt to give Sabretooth the telepathic “glow” that soothes his bloodlust. Sabretooth overpowered her, kissed her, and demanded Jean give it to him instead. Rogue and Gambit bring Sabretooth food, and he taunts her about Gambit’s past as well as her foster mother Mystique’s son. Jean and Cyclops confront Professor X about Sabretooth, but Xavier defends his decisions by citing his ideals. After he retires for the night, Jean and Cyclops discuss her feelings for Wolverine. When Moira alerts them that Sabretooth is acting up and still needs the “glow”, Jean volunteers to deal with him. She approaches his cell, and he taunts her about Wolverine and lunges at her. Jean shuts off the force field containing him, telekinetically slams him around the cell, tells him he in no way compares to Wolverine, and warns him not to cross the X-Men. He begs her for the “glow”, but she refuses and walks away. The next morning, Jubilee brings Sabretooth breakfast, and he praises Jean’s courage.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • X-Men: The Wedding of Cyclops and Phoenix trade paperback (2012);
    • True Believers: Phoenix Presents Jean Grey vs. Sabretooth #1 (Feb. 2018);
    • X-Men: The Wedding of Cyclops and Phoenix hardcover (2018).


See Also

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